Sunday, June 04, 2006

My Sunday!

Hi World!

Was suppose to wake hana up @ 8 this morning, so decided to play DOTA till like 7.50 thn wake her up or something.... But smart old me played till 6.50 and decided to laze on bed for awhile.... *I really dun hav to tell you wad happened next*

10+ .... CRAP! Frantically text her.... "Oh Shit, I juz woke up" HAHAHAA so sorry my dear!

But lucky for her, even being late for one whole hour late, she's only the third person @ the meeting place along with all her other girlfriends.. morale of the story = if/wen you date a group of gals, always set the meeting time @ least 1 hour in advance.... e.g suppose to be there at 5pm meet 4pm and etc etc.... *GALS CAN NEVER NEVER BE TRUSTED TO BE PUNCTUAL!* ~im speaking on behalf of the rest of my species.
so that was the morning... snoozed till 3pm *i ought to be @ training! =(* lazed around till dinner and decided to pop by Jurong Point aka jp for my doze of civilization and found myself in a sea of kiddos.... there was this ULTRAMAN display at the open space juz infront of subway and the ultramen were like fighting with the 'monsters' and u can hear the kids going "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

ladies and gentlemen, i think now you know where kids get their doze of VIOLENCE from... BET HANA BANANA watched truck loads of ultraman show wen she was young man!

coming to the POOR actors in those rubber suits....

i bet they muz be going like, "Oh man! I cant believe im being paid only 10bucks an hour for this crap man! Good thing i have this MASK over my thick skull! else..... oh shit! I SEE MY MUM! yecks!"

come to think of it..... i actually adored ultraman wen i was like 5 ! *sheesh* *fact flash*

so that aside....
next went down to ntuc to get something for me to chew on back @ the office for the coming week and i stumbled upon something that's kinda intimidating....

wad can they think of next? displaying the culprit's name and address on the board? -pictures included!

gosh! but its quite a good deterrance isn't it?!
SO KIDS.. Stay and school and be GOOD! it ain't good to be naughty yea!

sian la! i feel darn jaded.... am i suppose to follow my heart or juz the brain? *feeling ambivalent*
It really feels like im living in a world where fact is fiction and fictions are still/but fictions... facts obscured from the naked eye and trepidation is all you'll feel wen you hav something 'smart' up ur sleeves....!

Guidance! Guidance!!!!!

never was.... never will be......


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