Monday, June 12, 2006

Cross Road

something has been keeping me rather busy lately.... its but a thought, but this thought will ultimately lead me to so many places... so many new possibilities.... so many new experiences..

these past few months have actually been quite a roller coaster ride (emotional wise) with loads of ups and down, twists and turns and even loops after loops.... I've experienced how high love could bring you, only to have the whole world fall apart in just a matter of hours ....

i was that which others did not want to be.
i went where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do..
i asked of nothing from you who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thoughts of eternal loneliness . . . . should i fail...
i have seen the the face of jealousy, felt the stinging cold of fear, and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moment's love....
i have cried, pained and hoped, but most of all i lived times others would say best forgotten.

others asked if i was ever frustrated, angry or cold.... i turned to them and said, "No, i've simply stopped chasing."

Quote, 'Whatever that doesn't break you, makes you stronger.'
I beg to differ....! Whatever that doesn't break you doesn't make you stronger.

It simply forces you to accept the fact....
No matter how ugly i can be

I've grown alot over the months and now i know what I want in Love....

and one of it is not being afraid to Love...
thanks for making me realise what i've missed all this while =) wish you well....

i'll make a difference this time....


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