Friday, December 08, 2006

Long and hard week

Friday juz drew a close abt 3 hours ago and yeah, its the end of another week.... next week, common test, total drag =(

Guess its because of all the mugging which messes with your state of mind.. been kinda, down as of late... its not like me to feel like this for a pre-long period of time, but yeah obviously there's much of myself that i still have to figure out.

But one person in particular has been with me through all this... who took my nonsense and wadsoever and stood by me even wen i pull my temper over her.
Thanks my dear, i really do not know what has got over me these few days, but i just feel.... pissed. i feel the irony not to mention the agony of me mugging and you having ur well deserved break. The consequence of different exam period. Just so jealous...

i simply have to get through the whole of next week and i'll literally be freed for the 2 weeks after that (not including the many assignments). then again, easier said thn done =( i have like 5 subjects to mug for and philosophy is to die for (not in a good way). Im sooo tired and i really need a break, but wenever you aren't there, i juz seem to have nothing to look forward to.

Im sorry for putting you through all those shit. I promise i'll be better after my common test. juz need to hang in there for now.

you accepted me for who i was, the skinny and wilful guy when i couldn't accept myself.
you captivated me and inspired me to go on to achieve the impossible (42.195km)
you showered me with Love even when i doubt you.

you left me breathless.
you left me gulity
most importantly, u left me thinking...

you kept me safe in this crazy world
even when my heart juz want to bleed and stop believing in me
even when nothing is for certain and nothing comes for free
even when i sank to my knees....
but you, you cradled me.
you gave me a reason to smile,
you understand me,
and embraced my fragility


with all the loneliness in me, you showed me how love prevails


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