Monday, February 05, 2007

Exam is soooooo here!

Haven't really recovered from my common test and EXAM is here again....

lots of stress now, this being the last hurdle of the 3years, im giving myself so much stress to make every effort count, and not wanting to regret at the end of the day. So far, i think im doing a good job bahhh. Been cramping day and through the night. LOVE going to the school library man!

not becos of the serenity but becos of the tonnes of songs that i can listen to by tapping other peep's iTune! HOHOHOOOOO, the sickest person so far has 1517songs amounting to 4.7days of continous songs! WOW!!! but so far, fav would be corrinne may's Fly Away. very slow, very steady... at peace with myself =)

heading back to mug.... good luck guys!


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