Sunday, July 30, 2006

i week w/o blogging!

As of above... i've back logged yet another pile of crap to blog about! okok lets take this slow...

1st day in 5 B@#$#@dy months that i wake up without having to think about going back to the office! wheeeeee! was rushing my powerpoint slides for my presentation the next day... 5 months of effort boils down to TUESDAY where 2 markers will determine how much of that 50% of the entire INTERNSHIP i shld get =( so yah.... juz do and do and do and do walked han home after her tution @ 9+ and that was the only highlight of the day.

presentation day! another PISSed off day i muz say! i did 30 slides of the presentation and told samuel to meet me in the office @ 1p.m! As always, he = late... very very late! called him @ 1.30 and he told me he was @ clementi waiting for a bus -.-".....

wad more can i say...

and guess wad was the reason he gave me? "Hey i was rushing my slides too u know!" pls la! u 'rush' so many hours for only 3 fagging slides that look like u took only 5 minutes to come up with? who are u trying to kid? im neither young nor naive pls!.... spare me!

the presentation didn't go as smoothly as i thought..... i was kinda nervous and all, so i kinda spoke abit too fast... on top of that, stupid old me decided to stand a little bit in between the projector and its screen, thus blocking the projection .... (i can literally feel my A flying away) the second marker mdm pamela leong something something decided to 'have some fun with me' and grilled me on the GUI (Graphics user interace) design and the fact that we 'accidentally' corrupted data =(

i soooooo wanted to cry cos i know for sure that i was saying Good Bye + a blow kiss to my local uni admission..... ='( ... .. . well wads good about this whole ordeal? met up with han after that (she juz finished blading @ ECP) and spent some time together. Its really a wonder how someone can take ur mind off all these sad stuff. Thanks babe =) went to fei cui for xiao long bao!!!!
unglam! totally! that spoon is as big as my mouth!

sheesh u know what? i cant remember wad i did on wednesday except going for tution n morning jog with han + having a stomachache along the way =(

(can already feel my memory slipping away) (brain cells de-generating)

Thursday ............
shopping day! went to orchard and do what most s'porean couples would do!!!! KILL TIME by shopping! visited auntie june (one of our former employer) and kinda made her a very happy auntie! she dun get visitors often @ her shop so i think us appearing is really a welcomed change! its a wonder how a small gesture would go such a long way! conclusion = we're nice (actually it was more of my idea! so credits goes to me Me ME) =))

popped by far east after tt to scout for tattoo palour for han... this cool gal wans a tattoo.... kinda apprehensive about that though. Cant help but feel weird about it, cant blame me though, im living with society's normative behaviour. but to me, so long as she is happy and clear about what she wants thn why not?
-- why not look over that norm and support your girlfriend?--
went over to 'Village' for dessert! Strawberry Crepe!!! whooo it was GOOD!

and she is one happy girl!

over to suntec after that to get that PUZZLE that i've waited to get for SOOOOO the very NONG! its a 1000 pc mosaic of Woody and Buzz (Toys Story). n i thought i could finish it within 3 days =( its a wonder how i over-estimate my capabilities sometimes.
the cheapo couple waiting for bus to suntec *P

then over to city link area for desert...again! before walking all the way back to esplanade to soak up some breeze or whatever that was left of it =D before EATING again! Gluttons Bay has a kick ass GOOD cau kuay toey and oyster omelet! we're soooo embracing a sinful diet! hurhur!

Friday .....
yet another lazy day.... she came over to my place and kinda spent the day lazing @ my place till about 4+ cos she has tution =( argh! dun actually have alot of time to spend with her soon... she starting sch and all . . . so yah....

met up with some of the sprinters @ 9+ ? haha been a long time since i've actually sat down and talked to them besides during training so yah kinda guilt stricken feeling =( but nonetheless! here are some pics!
the live band was G.R.E.A.T

got home only at 2am and decided to stay up all the way cos im suppose to me deary for morning run! so spent the rest of the morning with that wretched puzzle! ROAR!!!!!

had something in my shoe!
ran like quite long that day.... think about 10km+/- so yah kind of new achievement for me but that 'lan ren' couldn't run anymore! so yah had to stop and chill from thn on! motivation = "Army Half Marathon!"

mummy asked han over to our place to make kuay! *i think the kuay failed miserably* but anyway it was a good try..... A = "Affort" =)
sent her to orchard after that for her class outing, theme = 'RETRO' and gosh she was dressed to kill! *drools*

dropped dead on my bed and totally blacked out for a little less thn 6hours n woke up @ 9.50! so went down to orchard again to pick han and loo up! PERFECT timing i muz say! =)

mh was like super high wen i got there! waving at me with so much enthu like as if i was some celeb! but it felt good =) hahahahahahaha! *grins*

Sunday .............
was suppose to be a polar bear day today..... polar bear day = we go jp eat, thn play abit before heading back to my place to hibernate!" hahaha but that really didn't happen cos we decided to bake instead!

only realised that i forgot to bring the recipe out so finally settled to bake cookies with pre-mixed flour..... hahah the EASY way out =)

beh came over to help us with the baking and also to do a little catching up!
dinner with my parents over @ jp and realised that my dad is actually darn chatty! crap n crap none stop! hurhur think they like u alot my dear!
this coming week gonna be busy for her.... so yah u'll be missed =) enjoy ur dragon boat training! hunks walking everywhere! with 6 to 8 packs and big STRONG arms! ahhhhh! shall turn gay soon! *P

BACK to training! marathon = focus!

with you for you


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