Monday, July 17, 2006

End of REPORT!!! HOORAY!!!!

Been missing out on alot of blogging recently (this past week or so) so yah, back lodged alot of stuff to blog about and really don't know where to start from =(

okok, lets start with the infamous report! We're so suppose to hand in our report like today at 12 noon! Was browsing MEL (Mobile E-Learning) for reporting format and to my horror, i realise that there are some stuff I've missed out in the report! Chionged all the way till 5 this morning and really looked and felt like a zombie this morning! on top of that.... it #%#@$@ rained! *furious*

Samuel u @$#%# ass hole! report has to be handed up today, u happily send me your *only* 10page report to me juz an hour before handing in! i didn't get to read through, but i really hope u wrote something smart.... You have the cheek to be late again! suppose to meet you in sch @ 9 this morning and u only appeared @ 1030! So what if you rushed your report till 5? I RUSHED BOTH OUR REPORTS! so go fuck a spider or something and stop yecking at me being up tight! Your fagging contribution is but 1/10 of the report man! I wrote like 90pages of bullshit and you only had YOUR personal report! So i dun think you have the right to complain about anything!

Took notice of a trend yesterday night. Whenever we have project due or some submittion to be done the next day, most of my classmates will be online till abt 5 in the morning man! speaking of last minute work! *sheesh*

The printing and binding store was packed today man! there was easily 30 guys in there trying to get their document printed and etc.... NP students are notorious for last minute work... that i can vouch! anyway, only managed to get my report ready by 11.50 and took 5 minutes to run back to my faculty! Hallelujah! talk about a close shave! anyway report is done and SOOOO OVER!!! Time to unwind and await the END OF MY INTERNSHIP!
took last thursday and friday off from work cos i booked a chalet @ sentosa to sort of chill out and spend sometime away together. Great FUN we had! Sun Sand Sea we had! Pictures i have to show! Enjoy them you muz!
Habour Front Centre! Heading up to the cable cars!

Sentosa HERE we come!

forced to do this.... from the looks of it, i didn't like it @ all! *opps! complain i muz not!*
capt gary gave yB 2 grand stand tickets for the NDP NE Show, but she didn't wana go so.... hurhurhur, we being the cheapo couple attended the parade on their behalf (im so trying to make this sound so good)

han obviously enjoyed it alot! cos throughout the whole parade, she was like the rest of the Primary 5 students at the stadium.... noisy and utterly hype!!

ohhhh there was this awfully hilarious scene! in each of the goodie bag, there was this battery powered mini fan (which i soooo fully utilised) . There was this couple sitting right smack infront of me and the lady had her hair entangled in the fan la!

hahahaha *evil grins* i know im eViL

lots of pics from tt NDP rehearsal but juz too tired to load them up liao.... gish of it... it was great! why? cos u were around =) <3 lots han.... han went for camp and i'll be quite free for the next few days. 4 to be exact! so come book me quick if u haven't done so! So gonna miss you babe! have fun with the half naked hunks @ camp =P hurhurhur....

sick im =( damage assessment = sore throat + lack of sleep

no where i wouldn't go for u =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

7:34 PM  

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