Thursday, July 20, 2006

Last Day

I know im suppose to be happy.... Excited abt leaving this place..... I've been looking forward to this day for 5 months...

the day when i finally finish my iinternship....

but i cant find the excitement today.... juz a chest filled with weights. I know i'll probably not see some of the people in this place ever again... As much i hate this place for locking me up in my darkest time.. im just thankful to it... it gave me a new perspective in life *working life* it thought me how to be a stronger man... it taught me how to be responsible....

IT taught me how to cherish....

These 5months in this place has been filled with ups and downs.... but wad was constant throughout all these was THIS place.... and the people in it.

Thanks Christopher, Pat, WeiJin, Shazali, Mr Lee Yock Chung, Mr Ang Teck Bing, Ms Lim Ee Hwe, and lots more.... i'll miss you guys lots!

I promise you i'll cherish my study life better after this... Most importantly, i'll cherish my you.....

new insight


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