Monday, July 10, 2006

This is bad bad BAD!

Well, had a GREAT WEEKEND! the catch? well i've got a 150 page report given to me last thursday and i have to complete it like by 17th july! (which is SOOO next monday) but i couldn't care less.... didn't put in much effort on it on friday cos went down for the 50th instructors' chalet with han. btw, HAPPY Birthday Joel + Grace and Chee Yong (Tong) !!!

muz confess... the cake was ''fantabulous''!!! awfully chocolatey and once in awhile, u can feel a crunch while biting! awwwwwwww..... too bad couldn't really enjoy it though... had a sore throat =( thn ran down to the Red House (my first time! whoohoo!) really freaky! the property is like YEY BIG but the house is actually but a small portion =( juz imagine u exploring the house and you decide to take a peek outta the house and at the far end of the field, you see some WHITE FIGURE with long hair covering her/its face and walllllkking to you SLLLLOOOOWWWLY! ! ! Massive Freakout!
but in the end chee tong decided not to go in because he said that there was this 'shadow' inside! 'hair stands'! hahahahahaha i shall conquer u RED HOUSE!!!
headed back to the chalet. slacked thn snoozed.... woke up @ 4.30 in the morning to be naughty for awhile *hurhurhur* =P but yay, it was fun.... dun u agree my dear? =D dun anyhow think pls.... lots of peeps around -.-"

slacked the whole day again and TOTALLY neglected my report.... poor u report *but ur SOOOO unwelcomed in my life!*

report day! worked my ass till like 2am and woke up @ 7 to continue.... damn! utterly no life u know?!
can u comprehend the feeling of writing all you've gone through and yet horrified to find out that wadever u've wrote is but 1/5 of the 150 pages?! MADDNESS PLS! i would rather focus on quality! im having so much trouble liao, bet the rest of my classmates are DYING!
lucky for me, han popped by in the afternoon and accompanied me all the way... i muz say, ur may be a DISTRACTION my dear.... but your HELL of a GOOD DISTRACTION la!

----dun mind me, my brain is super saturated with report related documents, i cant even phase a proper thought in my mind properly =(

Sat on my table from 9am and dwelled on the !$%^&$# report... lost track of time! the next time i looked up was when this lady at the other end of the office came over to say hello... awwww how nice. but i realised i've spent like 5 hours on the report la! where did that 5 hours go man?!?!?!?!?! *devastated* cos i've only done 6 pages =(

i seriously got nothing more to write liao.... wadever left are juz utter bullshit and irrelevant screenshots =( someone deliver me from my misery PLEASE!

on a brighter note... i've managed to book the thing! thanks to the VERY NICE service staffs! Thanks siti and i dunno wads ur name... very grateful to you two! though i dun know them @ all. GOOD SERVICE! thank you thank you thank you thank you!

taking thursday off! I WANT OUT! seriously.....

Life is like a dream
Look on the bright side =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some latest links to sites where I found some information: or

4:24 AM  

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