Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A thursday entry.....

Alrite!!!! its thursday and im loving it!!! 1 more fagging day before the much awaited weekend! woohoo!!!

was at mass training yesterday and after 2 weeks not seeing all u peeps, i must say that the juniors now are darn F.I.T! jaw drops.... but wads worst was wen i climbed onto chin chong's back for a piggy back ride, he said that i was quite light.... *DEVASTATION*
FYI, chin chong = a VERY tall chap... 183+?

training darn shiong yst.... 200 for starting followed up by campus run thn gym... haven't really recovered from monday's session so was kinda aching upside down and inside out throughout yst. and before we're done.... another 110... my arms gave way @ 70! jasper who was right beside me faired no better... he went straight to the ground la! literally....

so anyway after briefing.... i thought everyone had forgotten abt my birthday thus sparing me from my ill-concede fate... but NOOOOOO..... next thing i know, i was dragged down by jeremy and ethan i think.... HOW NAIVE of me.... shldn't have sat beside anyone la!
and so this was my fate.....
DAMN U ALL!!!! wei long wasn't as lucky as me... he had something which looked like 'CUM' poured all over him... courtesy of jasper (u disgusting freak!) =P

-end of training-
headed to bukit timah market for dinner and no one wants to share sambal stingray with me =( sad..... so ended up having popiah *how pathetic*
so on the bus back home, i asked fiona wad i've asked geraldine before... wad is 'pu tao ya' (portugal in english).... her reply?
"grape vine? grape tree?"
wahhhh pengx! ur the same as geraldine la! except maybe to geraldine, the country 'turkey' in chinese = "hu ji gou' (turkey nation in direct translation) -.-" ... =)) buay tahan!
yihan went for the s'pore idol 'wild card' show last nite. i was seriously trying hard *and i mean VERY hard* to imagine her being juz like the rest of those hysterical audiences (waving posters and screaming till their lungs burst and deflate!) *P
but anyway, was quite worried wen she didn't reply my sms-es.... so called her a few times and finally realised that she was watching 'Project Runway' and her hp was in silent mode.. -_-"
okkkk i've over-reacted but don't i reserve the right to be worried? =P hope u understand where u stand in my life. but, hurhurhur.... hope u get adducted by those KLK workers and sent back to india *smirks* *evil grins*!!!
getting awfully restless... gonna be awhile till i see u again =( cant wait for the week to be done! miss u tonnes my dear......
Love is not about loving a perfect person
Loving an imperfect person perfectly...


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