Sunday, June 25, 2006

Nothing like a random Entry

I think i've a serious issue with mondays! its nothing but a ER XIN feeling! BUT ENDURE!!!! JUZ 4 more weeks of attachment to GO! -the count down begins
on a serious note.... this place shall be nothing more thn a distant memory to me after all this shit is done... have no idea will i be missing this place or not but as for now, i would like nothing more thn to spend time away.... LOTS of time away from this place!
monday seems to be this evil character in a novel that brings you nothing but pain... takes away your weekend and leaves you with a pile of document that needs editing before the week is done... thn the cycle continues.... how typical yah? ENOUGH of this!

Anyway to my dear FRIENDS!!!
To Francis and the henderson gang.... Though haven't been hanging out with you guys for sometime, i still think u guys are F**King hilarious! My dear francis, after so many years (actually only <3years)>Lex... thanks for being a great source of inspiration!
*Junsheng for being there for me whenever i need it... the best senior i can ever ask for! u've really made a difference in my life!
*Zhijian and Tristan for making me realise that WE choose what kind of route we'll walk.... "lu shi wo men ren zou(walk) cu lai de"...
*Bernard for being my motivation to train hard
*Jiaying for being this sweet junior....
*Geraldine for letting me know that im not the only one who has been hurt.....
*Ja'ime for making me the man I'm today... u know u deserve this credit partner!
and many many more! thanks team! i've found my reason to continue walking the walk =))

Special Thanks to my sis MeL for just being someone i can CONFIDE in whenever im feeling dull =( hurhurhur go find a boyfriend soon my dear!

And Ying Bei Bei! Your just another important part of my life! an elder sister that i've never had the privilege of having....! thanks for all the things u've done for me!

Finally to that special someone.
you've been the reason why i've looked forward to each and everyday.
no words can describe how grateful im...
no one can ever make me feel as loved...

you've been there for me, even when i've turned my back on my peeps and even the world.
Many hurdles we will have to face...
but it's never about winning.... its about the journey.... =)
in you i've found a reason....

a relationship is about growing... so grow together not apart FROM each other.
a better man i shall be =)


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