Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Gosh, results for sem5 is gonna be released on the 15th!!!

not much optimism though =( quite unlike last sem which i knew i'll definiately do well! so yah, my faith is hanging by a thread here...

Worst Case scenrio = getting a D for attachment. (25Credits so its equals to getting 5 Ds!)
i'll throw myself off a building cos my dreams of a local uni will be quite.... SHATTERED!

Grade C/C+.... Be very disappointed... probably cry myself to slp for the rest of my life =P hahahahx! Again, no more local uni admission... =(

Grade B/B+.... Will be quite happy for myself for the fact that we really screwed our VIVA presentation, so yah cant ask for anything better! =( not very optimistic once again...

Grade A/AD.... which happens to be like surviving on a diet of hope =) .... IMPOSSIBLE... but REALLY REALLY want it! VERY VERY BADLY! i'll be so much nearer to NUS!!! oh pls pls pls!!!
i'll be a Good Boy and study real hard, so please give me an A!!!

Grade B or A = Possibility to get onto the director list!

so yah.... Good luck people! =)


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