Sunday, October 15, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Way long!
Hi world,
it has been uber LONG since i last blogged! truck loads happened, more good than bad though =) which is something to be happy about!
but dun expect me to squeeze it all out! i can only remember the more significant events!
NO more
1) shall i wake up @ 6am every morning just to reach school in time for morning assembly
2) shall i have to put up with rogue students (REBELS)
3) shall i have to ask students to write essays
4) and definiately NO MORE marking the 150 essays from all 4 classes! *murderer*
5) shall i be asked "Cher are u a DOTA pro?"
6) shall i have to answer "Cher how many year old are you?" (uber bad england)
7) shall i have to relief 5hours back to back
8) DEFINIATELY no more reliefing normal technical students for 3 lessons a day!
9) Shall i have to think of what to teach those little rascals
10) ......GOT so much i simply cant squeeze them into 9 "No More"s
But i will miss
1) the staffs there.
2) the time when we'll have phone orgy =P *mass file transfer via phone la*
3) the angelic students
4) the sweet little LOVE letter i received 2 days before teachers' day
5) the SUPER CHEAP canteen food
6) my (RIDCULOUSLY high) pay =P
7) scolding notorious faggorts
8) getting pissed at irresponsible parents
9) etc etc......
Really appreciate the first hand view and/or experience of being an educator =) it has really been an eye opener and kinda makes me miss my alma mater and those teenage years ='(
staff room's pass =P
my desk (very clean right?) rated the cleaniness desk in the whole staff room ok?! teachers are horrible creatures wen it comes to desk =P
Morning assembly... 7.30 zZzzzzzZzzz
finally, my daily timetable =))
as of now, last day of work marks the start of the fun! (well have been having fun all along actually) and sch is starting next monday! Wonder how am i going to shift back to the shoes of a student.... As in, i had been working for quite awhile now (5months MOM, 2half MOE) that's nearly 8 months out of school! so yah might find it hard to adapt =( BUT NONETHELESS i shall bite the bullet and see this last semester through!
it has been uber LONG since i last blogged! truck loads happened, more good than bad though =) which is something to be happy about!
but dun expect me to squeeze it all out! i can only remember the more significant events!
NO more
1) shall i wake up @ 6am every morning just to reach school in time for morning assembly
2) shall i have to put up with rogue students (REBELS)
3) shall i have to ask students to write essays
4) and definiately NO MORE marking the 150 essays from all 4 classes! *murderer*
5) shall i be asked "Cher are u a DOTA pro?"
6) shall i have to answer "Cher how many year old are you?" (uber bad england)
7) shall i have to relief 5hours back to back
8) DEFINIATELY no more reliefing normal technical students for 3 lessons a day!
9) Shall i have to think of what to teach those little rascals
10) ......GOT so much i simply cant squeeze them into 9 "No More"s
But i will miss
1) the staffs there.
2) the time when we'll have phone orgy =P *mass file transfer via phone la*
3) the angelic students
4) the sweet little LOVE letter i received 2 days before teachers' day
5) the SUPER CHEAP canteen food
6) my (RIDCULOUSLY high) pay =P
7) scolding notorious faggorts
8) getting pissed at irresponsible parents
9) etc etc......
Really appreciate the first hand view and/or experience of being an educator =) it has really been an eye opener and kinda makes me miss my alma mater and those teenage years ='(
as of now, last day of work marks the start of the fun! (well have been having fun all along actually) and sch is starting next monday! Wonder how am i going to shift back to the shoes of a student.... As in, i had been working for quite awhile now (5months MOM, 2half MOE) that's nearly 8 months out of school! so yah might find it hard to adapt =( BUT NONETHELESS i shall bite the bullet and see this last semester through!
Remember last year wen we ran in PJs at orchard road? Last friday, we were back with a VENGENCE and SOOO totally reloaded! Tis time = Bathing Robe! muhahahaha! guys = bare body + running shorts with the robe and girls with shirts on of course! (wad u think? free show?!)
Less talk more pictures!!!
ECC was quite alright! looking forward to FCC 07!!!!
Hana dug up a pic (one of the first pictures we ever took YEARS AGO)