Wednesday, April 18, 2007


NCC.... an organization which I had nothing to do with ever since Ex. Wallaby 2005. I find myself stumbling back into the Corps again! It really brings back alot of memory. Certainly remember how WE first met. HAHA.

The thing is, this time its to fulfill a dream, a passion, a WADEVER IT IS that I've been putting off for the past 3 years of my life just because I can never seem to skip 3 weeks of school just to attend it. YEAHHH AIRBORNE! But it really came at the wrong time la. I was so physically and mentally prepared for it for the first 2 years, but it must happen this year after I've stoned like for MONTHHHHHHHHSSSSSSS.... Im so sure that my leg muscle are as stiff as uncook spaghetti.. *Brittle*

Bo Bian! First Selection is this friday. 2.4km run in LONG 4 within 12.30mins, 8 pull ups, 30 push ups and 30 sit ups.... Ok la, im more worried about the run as compared to the rest... I SERIOUSLY CANT RUN FOR SHIT these days..

But first thing first, lets hope my enlistment letter doesn't state my enlistment date to be on the course dates... I'll CRY!!!! *quite literally* ....
life's been quite hectic for the past 2 weeks. Been teaching in Jurong West Secondary most of the week and rushing off to my uncle's provision shop to help out. That amounts to perhaps 14hours of work per day... average! I have no time for anything cos it's really very taxing..!Imagine waking up @ 0630 every morning, i crawl out of bed most of the time cos i couldn't gather enough energy to stand properly. Hana is beginning to complain =( but hope u understand my dear, im working hard so that we can enjoy @ phuket =) !

just hang in there! exam will be over in another 14days.... cant wait for phuket! the sun, the powder like sand, the SPA and of course the NIGHTLIFE!!!! HA


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