Thursday, July 16, 2009

Revive Me!!!

Hi all! I realise that my last post was even before my Airborne course back in 2007 and here I am, in Australia, the land down under!

So with tons of time here (considering that its is wayyyy unhappening here compared to Singapore) i've decided to resurrect this Blog with a very simple incantation....

Here goes...






Ok, now i announce my blog officially revived!!! =D

Wah this place is really bad! Arrived at Sydney Airport and its freaking 8 Degrees!!! Wah this place is really not for the tropical animals and those who really require the warmth of the sunlight man!

But was quite overwhelmed with emotion as I was unpacking. Its was like getting struck with the realization that I'm here, its cold, I'll be here for quite some time and I'm expanding my parent's money with every breath... Heavy...

Yup, i cried... like a baby to be specific... but at least I covered up myself under the blanket and just ended up with a pretty wet pillow.

Can't image that its only 10pm here and it already feels like 4am back home... street so dead, night so quiet...!

Argh!!! Hope School is more happening! PLEASE!!

-dear friends, you're been missed dearly.
-dear girlfriend, you are right, I'm going to be whining to you much sooner that I thought i would.
-dear mum, thanks for encouraging me and coming over with me to help me sort out all the fine details.
-dear dad, please take care of yourself and be strong for the family =D


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