Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ok Lahhhh

4As, 2Bs, 1B+

Happy.... but should have gotten another one A... quite puzzled about that B... I got an A+ for the common test paper lei! wtf?! kkhz shan't complain =)

Any Minute Now

Ok I am quite guilty for neglecting this blog ever since after my exam... so yah, *smack in the head*

The last time i posted something up here was before exam, when I was mugging. Now? WAITING FOR THE F!@#@ng result! Darn it! Damn scared u know?!

Offical release = 0900hours. But NP is renowned for cock ups, so yah, sitting beside the com, anxiously waiting for wad I hope would be 7 As!!!! (ehhh kinda far fetched) so to be practical, say 3As?

Wish me luck guys! To all my classmates, hope you guys get whatever you were working for! =)

Fingers crossed! *hope it wouldn't be a disappointment*
Lifehouse - Take M...