Thursday, July 23, 2009

School Term is round the corner!

Attended orientation over the past 2 days and found that there's actually quite a handful of Singaporean in Sydney University! Its like finding a long lost brother or sister who understands you when you complain about the Nasi Lemak cravings! awwwww......

School is starting soon and I'm already feeling the pressure. The thought of not being about to catch up or to excel in the course and wasting my parent's effort... I pray that YOU will guide me through this. Giving me Strength when I'm down and out.

Mum is leaving on saturday so am quite worried that she'll cry her eyes out at the airport. I promise that I'll try to keep everything to myself, but can already see myself being rather depressed for the next few days. =(

LETS ALL JIAYOU and not da bao any modules / kena retain for Summer school!

Your light will shine when all else fade.
Never ending,
Your glory goes beyond all faith.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Wah this is really the first weekend that I literally have no plans lei!

Luckily, was able to meet up with Chiu Hao and Jay Jay. I walked to their place, because I was super money cautions now! Besides, on map it was less than 4km away! I couldn't be more wrong as I took nearly 50mins just to walk there!

Anyway, their place is really spacious and has this commanding view from the hill top.. Initially harboured the thoughts of staying with them but that place is really not very accessible with only 2 to 3 buses that i can take to school. Perhaps I've gotten used to my Cousin's place already?

Had dinner with his friends at Bondi Beach and the first thing he said when we got there was that Paris Hilton visited that beach! Euuuu.
Other than that, the place is better than most places in Sydney because the shops there open till late and it has this BBQ store that sells BBQ Pork/ Lamb ribs!!! AWESOME! its something like what Cafe Cartel has, only way BIGGER!

the 4 Singaporeans (me included) shared like 2 plates of Ribs and the rest of them had 1 EACH! Hell of an appetite man!

The dinner was a welcome break from the mono-coloured world I've been in over the past 3 days =)!

Home now and yes waiting to chat with that special someone =) Glad you have great company my dear, have fun! =D

Friday, July 17, 2009

An Apology

I guess i really owe a special someone an apology....

Yes it ain't half easy being in a country so far away from home.... And the prospect that my mum is gonna leave next week sometimes drives me to the brink of tearing.

And so, having only being here for 2 days, I just want make my apologies known to you my dear Hana that I was really being a jerk when you were away in Canada because I couldn't understand then how much support an overseas exchange / international student needs...

About my day, wanted to wake up and attend a brief in school at 1030am but having to wake up at 11am... The windows here are shuttered so it literally blocks out the cold and the light! So as i was falling in and out of consciousness, i was deceived but the perpetual darkness that filled the room.

But I went down to school anyway and did my enrollment for my course. The stupid thing is that they seem to like to put alot of with strictions on international students so that they can't take more modules and thus allowing them to shorten their course from like say 3 years to perhaps 2.
Having said that, this semester, I'm only allowed to take 4 modules, and lets say for business courses, every modules takes you say 3 hours, THAT'S ONLY 12HOURS A WEEK!

Re-affirms the thought that I have truck loads of spare time on hand. Some may say that its giving us more time to study, but don't you think thats TOO MUCH spare time?!

Well, on the bright side, I've had my first taste of MEAT since i've been to Australia! (torture!)
ITS AMAZING how much meat can be packed into a meal. I ordered a 'Meat Lovers Box' and its like a KFC chicken box FILLED with chicken kebab and fries... I MEAN FILLED I TELL YOU!

Manage to find my way around the city with Mum and surprisingly managed to take the correct bus back home! (way to go!)

Cousin drove us for shopping afterwards, mainly for my stuff. Makes me feel really bad having to see my Mum buying what she thought was the best for me. An arm chair, new printer, table lamp etc... And afterwards i thought and tried to imagine how things will be after she leaves...
In a nutshell, its like the feeling that your Parents especially your mum from this middle class family, having to pay for your education and still trying to give you the life of an Up-class boy.. Topping that off you still have to think of your two brothers and the family back in Singapore.. How taxing... Its an absolutely horrible feeling.... BEYOND WORDS. I LOVE YOU MUM =( and all i can do now i just to say this...


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Revive Me!!!

Hi all! I realise that my last post was even before my Airborne course back in 2007 and here I am, in Australia, the land down under!

So with tons of time here (considering that its is wayyyy unhappening here compared to Singapore) i've decided to resurrect this Blog with a very simple incantation....

Here goes...






Ok, now i announce my blog officially revived!!! =D

Wah this place is really bad! Arrived at Sydney Airport and its freaking 8 Degrees!!! Wah this place is really not for the tropical animals and those who really require the warmth of the sunlight man!

But was quite overwhelmed with emotion as I was unpacking. Its was like getting struck with the realization that I'm here, its cold, I'll be here for quite some time and I'm expanding my parent's money with every breath... Heavy...

Yup, i cried... like a baby to be specific... but at least I covered up myself under the blanket and just ended up with a pretty wet pillow.

Can't image that its only 10pm here and it already feels like 4am back home... street so dead, night so quiet...!

Argh!!! Hope School is more happening! PLEASE!!

-dear friends, you're been missed dearly.
-dear girlfriend, you are right, I'm going to be whining to you much sooner that I thought i would.
-dear mum, thanks for encouraging me and coming over with me to help me sort out all the fine details.
-dear dad, please take care of yourself and be strong for the family =D
Lifehouse - Take M...