Monday, August 28, 2006

Dear God

Why Lord?
do you give un-deserving parents children?

tell me why Lord..
do couples who have the ability to give their child the utmost care, attention, love and up-bringing fail to conceive time after time?

Why Lord?
Do I have to call both parents, only to have them yell over the phone, pushing and washing their hands clean of any responsibility.

Lord i feel for that child... i really do! it really hurts to know that there's nothing you can do to improve the situation or at least to make the parents realise that THIS is their girl they're talking about! not some step-daughter or whatsoever.

"She's his responsibility, so call the father!"

"She's her responsibility, call the mum to fetch her from the school."

Please! if having a child only leads to this kind of conversation thn please don't have one in the first place! Your child is suppose to be a blessing! So fucking hell reflect upon yourselves! both of you are a fucking shame to parents! i can literally compare both of you to animals!

Fuck you both and burn in hell!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hi guys! its been a week and busy busy busy!!

Earning Money of course!

but hey! i've gotta admit, im being paid pretty well for just half a day @ work! but waiting for your pay check to arrive can be such a dreadful process.... i seem to be broke like 29 outta the 30 days a month which explains why i stay @ home most of the time =) TO SAVE MONEY!

went down to toa phayo on sunday to collect the goodie bags for the army half marathon and my poor girl's application didn't get through! that spoilt her mood pretty badly, but cheer up my dear, u can have my goodie bag =) i can rot @ home with you this sunday instead of running *my aspiration (to rot)! * SLACKERS rock big time!

school's a drag too.... im like doing 5 to 6 hours relief lessons back to back a day! have to stay back after school to help the sec 2 and 3 normal academic students with verbal communication and stuff.... money really dun come easy eh?
but hey, the pay is my one and only motivation to drag my butt outta bed at 6.10 every morning! so yah, got nothing i can complain about that.

come to think of it, my live revolves around school and home.... mostly. utterly no live! gotta get out more!

well something's for sure, you spiced up my live darling =) <3 u lots =D

dun mess with me! my girlfriend's a dragon boater! i'll get her to beat u up so piss off!
*aggression* =P

2 hearts, 2 souls, 1 love

Monday, August 14, 2006

FCUK food poisoning

lost another 2 kg! screw food poisoning! i sooooo hav a phobia for Jap food especially those from Fiesta jurong point!

haven't had anything to eat since monday morning cos my body has been rejecting everything INCLUDING water!

i so need to gain weight, but how am i suppose to with all these dog shit stuff happening to me?!

protein powder anyone?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hear Me Hear Me

Im feeling rather 'ENLIGHTEN' now, so i shall bestow some of my earthly wisdom to you MORTALS!!! *grins*

Lesson from a Guru: When all falls apart, talk it out!

i believe i fall under the category of 'Expressive' individuals, thus the ability to talk about things is a simply a virtue, dun you guys agree?

Words are so powerful, it can literally draw people TOWARDS or repel them AWAY from you.

The key to communication is this
- Learn to express not impress....
- Listening is more powerful than talking *important* (that's why God gave us 2 ears and only 1 mouth)
- Never assume someone knows what you mean.... trust me, most of the time, they don't.

Next.... pls go catch Click! its awesome! one of those movies that has the ability to make me look @ my life all over again (remember family first always! not work) =) hilarous + touching! no wonder llc cried =P opps

hahahax anyway went to catch 'My Super ex-girlfriend' on wednesday..... quite alright, wasn't very impressive but good nonetheless, han seems to enjoy it though, especially the part wen Uma threw the shark @ her ex-boyfriend, awwww poor boy! ^o)

anyway Wed was nat day! soooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! *waving patriotically*

went up to shears' bridge in hope of getting a better view of the firework but was utterly disappointed! firstly, it was damn crowded on that 2meter wide pavement and secondly, the fagging tree was blocking the darn view! so yah, had a little bit of tree line cum firework =) but nonetheless it was a GREAT night!

went over to glutton's bay next (juz beside esplanade) and got like 5 bbq wings, 8bucks worth of omelet with oyster and 4 bucks for the fried carrot cake *freaking ex dinner* but han (being the glutton she is) was simply gorging!
my dear gal has really worked up an appetite as of late and she seems to be eating alot! especially oyster and cockles! sheesh! thursday night after her O-day @ sentosa, we went over to Nus prata and had roti john and matabuk! gosh!

and guess wad..... she's suffering from indigestion! dunno to laugh @ you or pity u my dear!

get well soon! i know how badly u miss the oily stuff =)
to mel: dear sis, listen to your heart and stop avoiding the inevitable =) you'll have to come clean about your feeling sometimes =)

to dear dong han: hope all's well. lets go chill soon! keep in contact!

love is not about know who/where to love, but knowing how to....
love u truck loads babe and happy 8th week =)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sitting @ home

Will be missing 3days of sch this week, namely tuesday, wed and thursday =( and that means that i'll be losing nearly 200bucks! gosh! wad can i do with 200bucks?!

but on the bright side, i've got sometime today to catch up on some lost sleep =)) and nothing beats that! woohoo! so woke up @ abt 1100 today and man it FELT GOOD! =)

haven't been doing much since then.... other thn browsing blogs and surfing the web....

to liangcheng,
read ur blog and seriously don't know whats wrong with you dude, but its ok to feel lost sometime.
lose yourself in the moment,
lose yourself @ work,
lose yourself @ play,
or juz simply lose yourself as a person and be someone else for just a day =)

but dun forget to hav a map by your side juz in case you need to find your way back =) this is what friends are for, we're your map =) call and catch up soon!
everyone seems to be busy! or am i the only one with spare time on hand?

somethings' for sure though, i certainly dun hav spare cash on hand! hahaha! feel so broke pls! luckily i can survive for just 3 bucks a day in school! whooo *cheapo* but i think the canteen lady is pretty nice, ordered a bowl of mushroom noodle from her yesterday (which cost 1.50) and i asked her to add chicken for me and guess wad? i got loads of mushroom, loads of chicken for only 1.50!!!! *clap hands* drinks = 50cents and so total spending expected a day = 2bucks!!!

when was the last time u had such a cheap meal eh?
this teacher came up to me last week and asked, "Have you ever considered teaching as a career?" hahahah! my reply? "HAH, i seriously doubt so sir. I can bearly survive 3days with these pesky kids, let alone months or even years! The reason i wanted to do relief is because the pay is WAYYYY good!" *smirks*
had a little conflcit with my dad ystday nite.... ok not a little, but quite a big one... which lead me to resort to some rather drastic measures =) and always feel so good to know that u've pissed your parents off.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Friday Morning entry

Morning World,

juz started work @ pioneer secondary on wednesday and the kids are horrible, especially the normal technical... not trying to imply anything though...
what's worst? waking up @ 6.30 in the morning! draggin myself out of bed! wouldn't even be going if the pay ain't that good! i wake up every morning with money daggling before my eyes! *motivation*

next problem = literature

i didn't even pass my lit class back in secondary school, so what makes them think i can take a literature class? let alone TEACHING them =( totally stressed out.... everytime i enter the class, i muz think of something to bullshit about for the next coming hour.... *and it has got to be convincing enough*
well, we seem to not be spending alot of time together as of late =( but yea its totally understandable.. you're busy with sch, trg and tuition on top of that, orientation week.... juz hope its a passing phase though....

juz feel empty sometime . . .

need to feel you. . . *ok, not in a physical way la!*
to donghan, take things within your strides.... we'll be here for you =)

to the 3 teams participanting in project nutz later in the evening, LETS THRASH THOSE DB guys!

- high speed, low drag!

ambivalent about things

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Donghan's dad passed away on monday, stomache cancer =( life is fragile....

juz got back from the wake and though he seems awfully calm about it, i can see the pain deep within. well dude, at least your Dad is in a better place now =) do call us if you need to talk.....

emptiness all over
somethings needn't be said
Lifehouse - Take M...