Thursday, September 14, 2006


Enough said..........

Happy 3rd month!

Love you honey! =)

hana gave me a very nice puzzle!!!!

love, no no adore it! (i only love her)

shall post a pic of it soon!

gettng late le and results should be releasing in about 5hours time.... (fingers crossed) Good luck people!

give me your hand and i'll dance with YOU in the rain =))

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Juz a shoutout to the world =)

I LOVE WONG YIHAN! and not afraid to show it!

more birds? more luck? nahhhh nonsense!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Gosh, results for sem5 is gonna be released on the 15th!!!

not much optimism though =( quite unlike last sem which i knew i'll definiately do well! so yah, my faith is hanging by a thread here...

Worst Case scenrio = getting a D for attachment. (25Credits so its equals to getting 5 Ds!)
i'll throw myself off a building cos my dreams of a local uni will be quite.... SHATTERED!

Grade C/C+.... Be very disappointed... probably cry myself to slp for the rest of my life =P hahahahx! Again, no more local uni admission... =(

Grade B/B+.... Will be quite happy for myself for the fact that we really screwed our VIVA presentation, so yah cant ask for anything better! =( not very optimistic once again...

Grade A/AD.... which happens to be like surviving on a diet of hope =) .... IMPOSSIBLE... but REALLY REALLY want it! VERY VERY BADLY! i'll be so much nearer to NUS!!! oh pls pls pls!!!
i'll be a Good Boy and study real hard, so please give me an A!!!

Grade B or A = Possibility to get onto the director list!

so yah.... Good luck people! =)
Lifehouse - Take M...