Tuesday, November 14, 2006

From the Heart

Happy 5th Month dearie....

Truck Loads happened all these while, but im sure we'll find a way... Thru it all.

Hugs, Kisses and Smiles!

- JiaJia

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Monday morning

im so sorry for my horrible spelling or whatsoever becos im so totally lack of sleep and haunted by flu.... even as im typing this, my eyes are like half closed... really feel like rubbing my nose off! such a turn off! anyway, still have
1) Proposal not done
2) IMGT test not mugged for
3) QLA test (next week)
4) LESSON later from 9 to 6! *a real turn off*

im so screwed ='( i really hope i have more time.. . . .

anyway, juz got home not long ago from JS birthday, so yah happy birthday my beloved senior! the beer @ brewerkz is wayyyy strong.... for me la, 3 cups and im rather high le and the chicken wings suck! its as if they poured chill padi sauce all over it =( SPICY!!

happen to realise that quite alot of my junior are bugged with problem of the heart.... ok la only got 2 la.
for the guy.... i really hope you'll see that you ain't that bad a person, all you really need to do is to not falter time after time again and questioning your eligibility... you keep telling me she's a nice gal, and i really do agree with you! but immediately after you say that, u follow up by saying that "I'm not good enough." sheesh, how perfect a man do you want to be?
a friend once said, "Grow up! not down!" meaning grow positively without regrets and not down (negative growth)... hope it works for you =)

for my junior gal who was so drunk tonight... you REALLY PUNK ALOT la! u say IM ALRIGHT, or IM OK, nothing is wrong with me and etc etc. but we dun really see it everytime you drink. Firstly, if your ok and happy with your life, you wouldn't even wana use drinking as an escape... trust me, i know how it is to feel like crap. You're eligible that i have to agree with you. so dun be too 'seeking' abt love, let it come to u... AND NO! not all guys are jerks, im a good example =)) hehehehehe! wish u well!
=( i really think i contracted TB =((((

damage assessment = Fever, Sore Throat, running nose(for the 3rd day straight)
but still have to work =(

night all! and happy bday to JS!!!!

i wish i know that you care

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Ok WISP (World Issue, Singapore Perspective) presentation 1 in a mere 4hours..... and we're no where near finishing! *screwed we are* so small adeline and i are like burning the midnight oil and hugging buddha's legs respectively.

thn guess wad..... my STUPID, emphasizing 'STUPID' brother who wanted to toast bread for supper @ 3 am in the morning tripped the circuit pludging the whole house into total darkness!! And that means i was left with a stupid laptop batt that can only last a yey 20minutes! and so.... i lost wadever i've done for the pass 2 hours and have to resend a file *10mb man!* to adeline AGAIN!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yet another night

Its 5.13.... a very witching hour to be up but ya.... deadlines to meet...

Totally missed school today cos my eyes were as swollen as 2 awfully mutated apples! BIG AND RED!
consequently, missed philosophy and mba tutorial =( *tears*
worst of all is that I SOOOO totally stood hana up! Sorry babe! just forgot that i was suppose to meet u @ 8 instead of 9 ='( lousy excuse.

yup, yet another long day to go! but this lack of sleep is totally impairing my ability to rationalize and reaction time == halved!

I HATE Projects and my timetable!

Monday, November 06, 2006

2days and still going!

A very random entry....

juz wana let everyone know how much i yearn for my bed and how much i would like to juz lay on it and actually fall asleep for 10hours in a row.... but TOO bad =( alot of stuff not done! ! ! grumble grumble grumble!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

YOOOOO!!! =)) smile smile!

i seriously got a problem with thinking logically these days....

one of the many problems goes as such... I have lesson @ 9 later in the morning, and it goes all the way till 6 in the evening and so.... the million dollar question = do i go to sleep now? HAHA im so afraid of waking up later looking @ my clock and seeing 8.10, thinking that its ok for awhile before realising "Holy Crap! dude you're so fucked!" within a short span of 2 secs.... how quaint i know =P *degrading brain cells*
anyway, how's life people? well i know this may be shocking to some but i really missed school... u know after having five month internship and another 2 and half working under MOE, it really gives u a taste of how working life is... waking up early and coming home in the evening, take a shower, watch some tv, phone your g/f and vola! and the next day is just another cycle... *very tempted to use the word vicious here* but anyway, glad to be back! So much so that i swore to NOT screw it up as badly as last semester =))!

sch = busy busy busy, the busiest semester ever! have got like 3 core modules, 2 electives and 2 I.S! sheesh fagging 7 subjects! good thing its only gonna be like that for a semester! luckily, i really quite like the philosophy and the Wireless security modules! uber interesting! one teaches you to hack! YEA HACK into your server network and wrack havoc within the system server! hahah uber cool! another teaches you to look @ Plato, Socrates and Voltaire, just to name a few. It juz makes you feel so...... LEARNT! haha! LOVE my current IS group! think big adeline and i gonna have some character conflict by hey, im sure it'll all work out!
MEET my 4th NONG LOST BOTHER (opps =X i mean BROTHER)
darling, be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID! im GAY!

WEEEEE bare footed on the chair! how spas!
and of course, start of the semester = start of training. Feel really gulity for not going back though so no more excuses this semester! Let me see it through pls! and of course really miss everyone in the team! The ever so HIGH junsheng and lex! not to mention the NOW ATTACHED but still very black GAN JIA! =P miss you guys lots and ya realise that i have alot of lost grounds that i needa catch up with, daunting but nonetheless still something that has to be done! SO MR LEE LIANG CHENG, you shall be my motivating factor, FACTOR X! miss you too by the way! HAHAHA....!

something has been really bothering me since last week's training =( i think although superficially everyone are still their own self, all you need to do is to just peel off the outer lay and you'll find some unpleasant sight...)

let me just say this, im not trying to get at anyone here, and its not that im talking behind your back or anything, its just that IF and WHEN one of your team-mate capsizes and what comes to your mind first? Saving them or just continue rowing?
We were suppose to do 2 triangles last weeks (for those who doesn't know what it means: its juz the training route in the kallang basin, ON WATER OF COURSE! DUH!) and a boat capsizes in the midst of the pack.... but whats so shocking is that no one and i mean NO ONE bothered to help them up! so me being the last in the pack (lack of training la!) was presented with a dilemma, TO SAVE OR NOT TO SAVE?!
1) i didn't what to lose too much ground with LC.
2) but i cant just leave the both of them there.
conclusion = save!
but of course, its a gonna be a up hill struggle to claim back the lost distance and ITS a TIME TRIAL!
ok nvm thn, so row row row, that boat managed to catch up to some of the chaps up in front, but sad to say, it capsized la! uber funny! no that its hilarous, but because i was actually pissed with ppl capsizing! haha juz a passing moment la, so dun worry, i still LOVE the both of you =))! but thn again NO ONE help! NONE, ZIP, NIL! and thus i lost all momentum! and this time i really gave up chasing! after helping them up, i actually have to bear in mind that for every minute more i take to complete this trial, everyone in the team might be liable to punishment becos of ME =( not at all a very comforting thought, so i was slaging it out with the water =P tsk tsk!
Lucky no punishment, my timing aint good =( wad a way to ruin your day!
but i really dun understand why those peeps in front cant help them out?! you see the last man already struggling to catch up liao, u still wan him to stop and help meh? help him by helping your own team-mate la, and not just ROW PASS THEM! why is YOUR timing so important? Thn mine not important?
reason given = (cant remember the exact words though, but this is the gist of it) we're training here, let those people who capsize swim back to shore themselves... =( *utterly infuriated!* else we'll go back for them AFTER TRAINING.

i can understand the reason why you dont wana save people when you are doing short sprint man, but this is a FUCKING 8km ROW! HOW LONG YOU WANT THOSE POOR SOULS TO BE IN THE WATER?! 10? 20 30 MINUTES? i ever tried swimming with my boat and it takes me roughly about 7 to 10 minutes to swim about 300m+ with a boat and equipment and depending on the wave too, but those juniors of mine capsized WAY WAY WAY far away from any fucked up beach....
and UNLESS you can raise fucking ALANTIS in the middle of the kallang basin, i dun see how are they gonna swim that 600, 700m.. u guys decide, utter selfish answer or something that is totally logical that i wasn't informed of.
(case close) im sooooo gonna get flamed for this post man!
on a happier note, yea fifth month just round the corner babe!! and with the spending policies just drawn up by you, i think dining at somewhere expensive should be outta question
=(... but fret not, for ME LEONARDO MYSTERIOUS KEL LOW JIA JIA (aka ren tu tu) am a very capable and resourseful chap (SOOO UNCALLED FOR!) worst come to worst, just lets go over to harbour front and we can share a plate of fried kway tua! the ultimate budget meal! HAHAHAHA! dun worry i'll add that 50cents worth of sea hum for you =P hurhur!

tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, beauty and the (very ohandsome) BEAST! ha, take that!
Lifehouse - Take M...